All performance and composition assessments fall under the Making Music category. At level 3, the time commitment is much greater than that of Level 2, so it is advisable to not do Performance AND composition. Instead, it would be better to do Performance and Arrangement
3.1 (91416) Perform two programmes of music as a featured soloist
You will present a selection of pieces during the year which will provide evidence of your performance ability. You will need to perform at each performance night as well as other times (eg assemblies or outside school).
You will present a selection of pieces during the year which will provide evidence of your performance ability. You will need to perform at each performance night as well as other times (eg assemblies or outside school).
3.2 (91417) Perform two programmes of music as a featured soloist on a second instrument
You will present a selection of pieces during the year which will provide evidence of your performance ability. You will need to perform at each performance night as well as other times (eg assemblies or outside school).
You will present a selection of pieces during the year which will provide evidence of your performance ability. You will need to perform at each performance night as well as other times (eg assemblies or outside school).
3.3 (91418) Demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces as a member of a group.
You will get opportunities throughout the year (the designated music nights) to present a number of pieces with your group. It may be in the form of a recital.
You will get opportunities throughout the year (the designated music nights) to present a number of pieces with your group. It may be in the form of a recital.
3.4 (91419) Communicate musical intention by composing three original pieces of music
You will put together a portfolio of compositions that demonstrate your compositional skills. It may be in the form of a suite of contrasting movements, or could be separate compositions. You will be formatively assessed throughout the year but your summative grade will be based on your entire years work.
You will put together a portfolio of compositions that demonstrate your compositional skills. It may be in the form of a suite of contrasting movements, or could be separate compositions. You will be formatively assessed throughout the year but your summative grade will be based on your entire years work.
3.11 (91849) Compose three original songs that express imaginative thinking
You will put together a portfolio of compositions that demonstrate your skill at song writing. You will be formatively assessed throughout the year but your summative grade will be based on your entire years work.
You will put together a portfolio of compositions that demonstrate your skill at song writing. You will be formatively assessed throughout the year but your summative grade will be based on your entire years work.