NCEA Level 2 Music Course
Year 11 music is a pre-requisite for this course, although students reaching the required standard on their performance instrument may enrol for credits in this level 2 course. Prior musical knowledge may also be sufficient - this is to be discussed with the Head of Department.
Like the Level 1 course, students are able to tailor their programme, and can choose to specialise in particular aspects of the course. Students choose a course which best fits their skill set and interest. It is recommended to design a course of 20 - 24 credits. This will depend on the individual student.
Like the Level 1 course, students are able to tailor their programme, and can choose to specialise in particular aspects of the course. Students choose a course which best fits their skill set and interest. It is recommended to design a course of 20 - 24 credits. This will depend on the individual student.
In this Level, an additional Music Technology standards can be taken, and the Set Work standard is an external assessment.
The second instrument performance standard allows students who are learning more than one instrument to gain extra credits (or substitute for another standard). Students may choose to have a main focus in either Making Music, Music Studies and Music Technology.
* It is important to note that although the Unit Standards (US27657, US27658, US27703) do count towards Level 2 NCEA, at present they are not eligible for subject endorsement. |
Making MusicAS91270, AS91271, AS91272, AS91273, AS91274
Music StudiesAS91276, AS91277, AS91278
Music TechnologyUS27657, US32302 US32303